As Men’s Health Week approaches, Gawler is set to celebrate with two events that highlight the significance of health and well-being in the male community.

These events, held at The Salvation Army Riverside Centre (17 Edith St,

Gawler East), are a part of a global effort to raise awareness of preventable health problems and promote healthy lifestyle choices among men and boys.

Local Member for Light, Tony Piccolo MP, has been involved with the Northern and Gawler Men’s Wellbeing Networks in organising these events as part of a larger community effort to bring these important topics to the forefront of the region.

“These events are more than just gatherings; they are a proactive step towards addressing the often-overlooked aspects of men’s health,” Mr Piccolo said.

“It’s a collective call to action for the community to come together in support of a healthier, more ethically aware society.

“Let’s break the stigma that surrounds mental health, no longer be silent about personal battles and support one another.”

The week will kick off with a Youth Activity session on Tuesday, 11th June, from 4 to 6 PM, where Luke Di Sessa from Good Better Best Men will guide young men through activities and discussions designed to foster a sense of connection and understanding.

This event aims to equip the youth with vital mental health skills that are crucial for their personal development and the well-being of the community.

Following this, on Wednesday, 12th June, from 6 to 8 PM, the centre will hold a public talk on Moral Injury, led by ethics expert David Hunter.

The talk will explore the concept of moral injury, which occurs when actions conflict with personal ethics, leading to a sense of powerlessness and long-term stress and a negative impact on a mental and physical person’s health.

Strategies for identifying and addressing different types of moral injuries will also be shared, with the session open to all, not just men.

The public talk which is free, is open to all men (and women) while the youth event is for senior students only.