Local residents and community organisations have backed calls to have a Christmas Parade or similar event in Gawler from December this year.

At a community forum held yesterday and facilitated by local Member of Parliament, Mr Tony Piccolo, residents lamented that Gawler “had lost is Christmas” spirit and were keen to see events held to foster a greater community spirit.

Mr Piccolo said residents at the forum expressed their dismay that while other towns were supporting a range of events not just for their communities but attracting visitors, Gawler had very few community wide events.

“People appreciated the contribution that service clubs made through the hosting of the Christmas Carols but believe a town of our size could do more,” said Mr Piccolo.

“There was a great deal of passion and commitment displayed at the community forum, with many happy to become involved in the organisation of events during the Christmas period.”

“The idea of a parade received a great deal of support and was seen as an event which could be held with other activities and also promote ne events.”

“People were very keen to develop a calendar of events for the Christmas period which would help promote existing activities.”

Mr Piccolo said a number of churches already held Christmas related events and I’m aware that they keen to reach out into the wider community.

“The parade could help foster a greater Christmas spirit.”

“It should be a celebration of community life in Gawler, with a focus on providing entertainment for families and children.”

“Participants for the parade could come from all walks of life, and hopefully local schools will be able to participate.”

Organisers of other parades in the region attended the forum and offered to support the proposed Gawler event.

Mr Piccolo said no decisions had yet made about the parade and so all ideas were on the table for consideration.

“The only preliminary thoughts at this stage were that the parade would be a twilight event, and likely to be held on a Saturday evening before the end of the school year, to enable schools to participate.

An organising committee would be established soon once discussions with two local keep authorities were held: namely the Gawler Council and local Police.

Any person or community organisation interested in been part of the parade should send their contact details to light@parliament.sa.gov.au