Three up-and-coming leaders in our community are set to be the voices of this year’s Villawood Gawler Community Christmas Parade 2024 on 30th November 2024.

Year 12 students Jai Campbell and Isaac Thompson from Gawler and District College and Year 9 student Skye Thompson from Xavier College have offered to be part of the event by providing commentary at the parade and the events taking place at Apex Park.

Their voices will also be heard during the returning live-stream via Facebook to enable people who cannot attend in person to still enjoy the event.

Event facilitator and local State Member for Light, Mr Tony Piccolo MP, said the live stream last year was very popular, particularly amongst residents in our local residential parks, villages and nursing homes.

“It enabled local people in Gawler to experience the parade as they were familiar with the features of the main street,” said Mr Piccolo.

Jail Campbell, who has already MC’d at another community event, said he wants to participate in the Christmas Parade so he can extend his experience as an Emcee and contribute to the town.

“I’m looking forward to working alongside the various sponsors and Tony [Piccolo], and showcase my college to the wider community,” Jai said.

Isaac Thompson believes being part of the community leadership program will help him grow and develop new skills while contributing to his local community.

“My school encourages us to become involved in the community as it benefits both us and the community,” Isaac added.

Skye said she looks for opportunities to become involved in her local community and give something back.

“I think being involved in the Christmas Parade will help me develop my confidence because I am speaking to a big audience, as well as helping lay the foundation for my future,” Skye said.

Mr Piccolo said it was great to see young adults contribute to local events and improve their personal skills.

Some of the students are part of Mr Piccolo’s community leadership development program, whereby students get an opportunity to improve their public speaking skills by participating in local community events.

“By interacting with a wide range of people, students can improve their communications skills, and importantly, increase their confidence levels,” Mr Piccolo said.

Mr Piccolo said we are hoping to be able to provide a longer and better live stream service this year by having additional commentators.

“All going well, we will be able to live stream from the preparation area, the parade itself and at the after-parade events, including the Apex Club Christmas markets.”

More details will be provided via the parade Facebook page, which will go live shortly.

For the latest news regarding this year's Villawood Gawler Christmas Parade, follow the Facebook page.

If you would like to register for the event, please fill out the following registration form - online or print-out copy