St Florian’s Day on Saturday, 4 May is often referred to as International Firefighters Day, but Member for Light, Tony Piccolo MP, is urging the community to rally behind the bravery and dedication of our entire fleet of local emergency services.

Speaking in support of a parliamentary motion recognising the day, Mr Piccolo said the values of St Florian, the patron saint of firefighters, are upheld by all the region’s emergency services.

“St Florian was good with people, a problem solver and dedicated hard worker – qualities that resonate with our emergency services today,” Mr Piccolo said.

“When disaster strikes, no matter which uniform they wear, these services unite to ensure the right skills and resources are there to protect our community.

“The day serves as a reminder to the collective efforts of various emergency services, including our local Dalkeith CFS, the Gawler Metropolitan Fire Service, the Gawler ambulance service and the Gawler police station and very soon, we will have our very own South Australian State Emergency Services (SASES) unit.”

This week, the Malinauskas Labor Government approved plans to deliver their election promise of a $4.995 Million unit in Gawler after SASES identified it as a high-risk priority area following the region’s fast growth.

Mr Piccolo said prevention is another important aspect of the day, and is pleased to see local emergency units preparing for the various disasters that can occur in our community.

“In terms of St Florian, many miracles of healing are attributed to his intercession, and he is invoked as a powerful protector in danger from fire, floods and against drowning,” Mr Piccolo said.

“With the increasing influence of climate change leading to more floods, fires, famine and a whole range of things in our communities—all our emergency services, both paid and volunteer, work together.

“If there is a major incident in the region, this new SES unit will be able to house a whole incident team so that the event can be managed from that site.

“It is good to see the SES and other emergency services units looking ahead at what may come up and working to make sure we have the resources available to manage disasters in the region.

“The community of Gawler and surrounding areas can take pride in their emergency services, knowing that the spirit of St Florian lives on in the brave men and women who stand ready to protect them.”