The 110th Tanunda Show on Saturday was the hottest event in town according to Member of Parliament, Mr Tony Piccolo.
With the mercury rising to above 40 degrees, those attending the show took advantage of any shade space available.
Mr Piccolo joined Labor Schubert Sub-branch President James Rothe and Secretary Em Grinter in the Labor stall at the show. “Despite the heat, many show goers stopped by and talked about a range of issues. I was surprised how many were visitors to the town, some from interstate,” said Mr Piccolo.
“Country Shows have a great charm and feel about them, so they regularly attract people from the city and metropolitan areas.
It is understood that the extreme heat predictions forced the show to either reduce or cancel some animal related events, as a precaution.
Mr Piccolo joked that it was so hot, that even the “fire dragon” paid the stall a visit to see how we were going. “A lot of iced coffees got us through the day”.
Mr Piccolo said he always finds the wood chopping event interesting, as I am always worried what would happen if they lost focus for a moment.
“I was told by one of the wood choppers that they wear chain mail socks as a safety measure,” said Mr Piccolo.
“They require strength, stamina and must be completely focussed at all times.”
“It sounds much too hard, so I will just continue to chip away at injustice and inequality instead.”
Mr Piccolo paid tribute the Tanunda Show Committee under the leadership of President Mr Matt Stevens, for hosting another successful event, despite the difficult conditions.
“All the volunteers did a grand job and should be congratulated for their perseverance and professionalism. “Country shows are a great community unifying event and enables our towns to showcase community life.” Said Mr Piccolo.
“It is just unfortunate that the wonderful event was marred by the extreme weather conditions.”