Media personality Graeme Goodings has described Gawler’s Biggest Morning Tea as the biggest he has ever attended following his guest appearance at this year’s event.

More than 350 people attended at the Gawler and Barossa Jockey Club on Thursday, with Member for Light, Tony Piccolo MP, praising the efforts of all the community members involved.

“The success of the Biggest Morning Tea is a testament to the hard work and generosity of our community members, who continue to rally behind this event every year,” Mr Piccolo said.

“It takes a village to put this event together, and the Cancer Council Gawler Branch and their committee do a tremendous job in organising it, but also rallying the troops.

“My hat goes off to them, along with the students of the Gawler 15 hospitality program and the Service Clubs who work hard behind the scenes before the event and evidently on the day to make this event possible.”

Cancer Council Gawler Branch president Gwenda Green is passionate about cancer research, with four family members, including her husband, living with the disease; and continues to be blown away by the community’s support for the cause.

“The Gawler community continues to raise about $100,000 each year across all our events for cancer research,” Mrs Green said.

Mrs Green said while it takes months of planning and organising to get the event off the ground each year, she will “always be here for as long as I can do it.”

“25 on our committee assist in putting this together, and they all share my passion for what we’re doing,” Mrs Green said.

“While we’re quite diverse in age, there is no segregation as we’re all there for one reason.

“I need to thank my committee who support me because it’s a whole team effort and I love them all to bits, plus we couldn’t do it without Scott Hore (Director/Trainer of Gawler 15), the students, the service clubs and all the sponsors who help us out.”

Cancer Council SA Relationship Officer Dean Parker said the event always provides a great day to get together with the community and have some fun, but also raise awareness.

“It’s a national campaign that brings so much to the organisation and the people affected by cancer, and enables us to support them,” Mr Parker said.

“Gawler always exceeds 300 people and it’s great to see them surpass that milestone again, with great support from the community.”

Former 7 News presenter and regular FIVEaa voice, Mr Goodings, also spoke about his experience with cancer and the importance of getting regular health checks.